dict.cc dictionary

DictIdxRdForm Members

DictIdxRdForm overview

Public Static (Shared) Methods

rdIndexReads dictionary index from the given file

Public Instance Properties

AcceptButton (inherited from Form) 
AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleName (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleRole (inherited from Control) 
ActiveControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ActiveMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AllowDrop (inherited from Control) 
AllowTransparency (inherited from Form) 
Anchor (inherited from Control) 
AutoScale (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
AutoScaleBaseSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScaleMode (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScroll (inherited from Form) 
AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollOffset (inherited from Control) 
AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeMode (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidate (inherited from Form) 
BackColor (inherited from Form) 
BackgroundImage (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayout (inherited from Control) 
BindingContext (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Bottom (inherited from Control) 
Bounds (inherited from Control) 
CancelButton (inherited from Form) 
CanFocus (inherited from Control) 
CanSelect (inherited from Control) 
Capture (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidation (inherited from Control) 
ClientRectangle (inherited from Control) 
ClientSize (inherited from Form) 
CompanyName (inherited from Control) 
Container (inherited from Component) 
ContainsFocus (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenu (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStrip (inherited from Control) 
ControlBox (inherited from Form) 
Controls (inherited from Control) 
Created (inherited from Control) 
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Cursor (inherited from Control) 
DataBindings (inherited from Control) 
DesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
DesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
DialogResult (inherited from Form) 
DisplayRectangle (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Disposing (inherited from Control) 
Dock (inherited from Control) 
DockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Enabled (inherited from Control) 
Focused (inherited from Control) 
Font (inherited from Control) 
ForeColor (inherited from Control) 
FormBorderStyle (inherited from Form) 
Handle (inherited from Control) 
HasChildren (inherited from Control) 
Height (inherited from Control) 
HelpButton (inherited from Form) 
HorizontalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Icon (inherited from Form) 
ImeMode (inherited from Control) 
InvokeRequired (inherited from Control) 
IsAccessible (inherited from Control) 
IsDisposed (inherited from Control) 
IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
IsMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
IsMdiContainer (inherited from Form) 
IsMirrored (inherited from Control) 
IsRestrictedWindow (inherited from Form) 
KeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
LayoutEngine (inherited from Control) 
Left (inherited from Control) 
Location (inherited from Form) 
MainMenuStrip (inherited from Form) 
Margin (inherited from Form) 
MaximizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSize (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildren (inherited from Form) 
MdiParent (inherited from Form) 
Menu (inherited from Form) 
MergedMenu (inherited from Form) 
MinimizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSize (inherited from Form) 
Modal (inherited from Form) 
Name (inherited from Control) 
Opacity (inherited from Form) 
OwnedForms (inherited from Form) 
Owner (inherited from Form) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from Control) 
ParentForm (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
ProductName (inherited from Control) 
ProductVersion (inherited from Control) 
RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control) 
Region (inherited from Control) 
RestoreBounds (inherited from Form) 
Right (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayout (inherited from Form) 
ShowIcon (inherited from Form) 
ShowInTaskbar (inherited from Form) 
Site (inherited from Control) 
Size (inherited from Form) 
SizeGripStyle (inherited from Form) 
StartPosition (inherited from Form) 
TabIndex (inherited from Form) 
TabStop (inherited from Form) 
Tag (inherited from Control) 
Text (inherited from Form) 
Top (inherited from Control) 
TopLevel (inherited from Form) 
TopLevelControl (inherited from Control) 
TopMost (inherited from Form) 
TransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
UseWaitCursor (inherited from Control) 
VerticalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Visible (inherited from Control) 
Width (inherited from Control) 
WindowState (inherited from Form) 
WindowTarget (inherited from Control) 

Public Instance Methods

Activate (inherited from Form) 
AddOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
BeginInvoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
BringToFront (inherited from Control) 
Close (inherited from Form) 
Contains (inherited from Control) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
CreateGraphics (inherited from Control) 
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Dispose (inherited from Component)Overloaded.  
DoDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DrawToBitmap (inherited from Control) 
EndInvoke (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindForm (inherited from Control) 
Focus (inherited from Control) 
GetChildAtPoint (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetNextControl (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Hide (inherited from Control) 
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Invalidate (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Invoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
LayoutMdi (inherited from Form) 
PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToClient (inherited from Control) 
PointToScreen (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control) 
progressShows progress in the progress bar
readyCloses the form, evtl. shows the given message
RectangleToClient (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control) 
Refresh (inherited from Control) 
RemoveOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
ResetBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetBindings (inherited from Control) 
ResetCursor (inherited from Control) 
ResetFont (inherited from Control) 
ResetForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ResetText (inherited from Control) 
ResumeLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Scale (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScrollControlIntoView (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SelectNextControl (inherited from Control) 
SendToBack (inherited from Control) 
SetAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetDesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
SetDesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
Show (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Show (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ShowDialog (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SuspendLayout (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Form) 
Update (inherited from Control) 
Validate (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ValidateChildren (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  

Public Instance Events

Activated (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidateChanged (inherited from Form) 
BackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Control) 
BindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
ChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
Click (inherited from Control) 
ClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
Closed (inherited from Form) 
Closing (inherited from Form) 
ContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
ControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
ControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
CursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
Deactivate (inherited from Form) 
Disposed (inherited from Component) 
DockChanged (inherited from Control) 
DoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
DragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DragEnter (inherited from Control) 
DragLeave (inherited from Control) 
DragOver (inherited from Control) 
EnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
Enter (inherited from Control) 
FontChanged (inherited from Control) 
ForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
FormClosed (inherited from Form) 
FormClosing (inherited from Form) 
GiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
GotFocus (inherited from Control) 
HandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
HandleDestroyed (inherited from Control) 
HelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
HelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
ImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
InputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
InputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
Invalidated (inherited from Control) 
KeyDown (inherited from Control) 
KeyPress (inherited from Control) 
KeyUp (inherited from Control) 
Layout (inherited from Control) 
Leave (inherited from Control) 
Load (inherited from Form) 
LocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
LostFocus (inherited from Control) 
MarginChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
MenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
MenuStart (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
MouseClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDown (inherited from Control) 
MouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
MouseHover (inherited from Control) 
MouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
MouseMove (inherited from Control) 
MouseUp (inherited from Control) 
MouseWheel (inherited from Control) 
Move (inherited from Control) 
PaddingChanged (inherited from Control) 
Paint (inherited from Control) 
ParentChanged (inherited from Control) 
PreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
QueryAccessibilityHelp (inherited from Control) 
QueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
RegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
Resize (inherited from Control) 
ResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
ResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
RightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
Scroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Shown (inherited from Form) 
SizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
StyleChanged (inherited from Control) 
SystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
TabIndexChanged (inherited from Form) 
TabStopChanged (inherited from Form) 
TextChanged (inherited from Control) 
Validated (inherited from Control) 
Validating (inherited from Control) 
VisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 

Protected Instance Properties

AutoScaleFactor (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanEnableIme (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanRaiseEvents (inherited from Control) 
CreateParams (inherited from Form) 
DefaultCursor (inherited from Control) 
DefaultImeMode (inherited from Form) 
DefaultMargin (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultPadding (inherited from Control) 
DefaultSize (inherited from Form) 
DesignMode (inherited from Component) 
DoubleBuffered (inherited from Control) 
Events (inherited from Component) 
FontHeight (inherited from Control) 
HScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
MaximizedBounds (inherited from Form) 
ResizeRedraw (inherited from Control) 
ScaleChildren (inherited from Control) 
ShowWithoutActivation (inherited from Form) 
VScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Protected Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ActivateMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AdjustFormScrollbars (inherited from Form) 
ApplyAutoScaling (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
CenterToParent (inherited from Form) 
CenterToScreen (inherited from Form) 
CreateAccessibilityInstance (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlsInstance (inherited from Form) 
CreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
DefWndProc (inherited from Form) 
DestroyHandle (inherited from Control) 
Dispose (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Finalize (inherited from Component) 
GetAccessibilityObjectById (inherited from Control) 
GetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
GetScaledBounds (inherited from Form) 
GetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
GetService (inherited from Component) 
GetStyle (inherited from Control) 
GetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
InitLayout (inherited from Control) 
InvokeGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeOnClick (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaint (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaintBackground (inherited from Control) 
IsInputChar (inherited from Control) 
IsInputKey (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Overloaded.  
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Overloaded.  
NotifyInvalidate (inherited from Control) 
OnActivated (inherited from Form) 
OnAutoSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoValidateChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnCausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
OnClick (inherited from Control) 
OnClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
OnControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
OnCreateControl (inherited from Form) 
OnCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDeactivate (inherited from Form) 
OnDockChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
OnDragEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnDragLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnDragOver (inherited from Control) 
OnEnabledChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnEnter (inherited from Form) 
OnFontChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnFormClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnFormClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnGiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
OnGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnHandleCreated (inherited from Form) 
OnHandleDestroyed (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
OnImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
OnInvalidated (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyPress (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyUp (inherited from Control) 
OnLayout (inherited from Form) 
OnLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnLoad (inherited from Form) 
OnLocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnMarginChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuStart (inherited from Form) 
OnMinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDown (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseHover (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseMove (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseUp (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseWheel (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnMove (inherited from Control) 
OnNotifyMessage (inherited from Control) 
OnPaddingChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnPaint (inherited from Form) 
OnPaintBackground (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnParentBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnParentCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentEnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentFontChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentVisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnPreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnPrint (inherited from Control) 
OnQueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
OnRegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnResize (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
OnRightToLeftChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnShown (inherited from Form) 
OnSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnStyleChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnSystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabIndexChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabStopChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTextChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnValidated (inherited from Control) 
OnValidating (inherited from Control) 
OnVisibleChanged (inherited from Form) 
ProcessCmdKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogChar (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessKeyEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
ProcessKeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
ProcessTabKey (inherited from Form) 
RaiseDragEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseKeyEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseMouseEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePaintEvent (inherited from Control) 
RecreateHandle (inherited from Control) 
ResetMouseEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateAlignment (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
RtlTranslateHorizontal (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateLeftRight (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
ScaleCore (inherited from Form) 
ScrollToControl (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
SetBoundsCore (inherited from Form) 
SetClientSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
SetDisplayRectLocation (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetStyle (inherited from Control) 
SetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
SetVisibleCore (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateDefaultButton (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStyles (inherited from Control) 
UpdateZOrder (inherited from Control) 
WndProc (inherited from Form) 

Protected Internal Instance Properties

RenderRightToLeft (inherited from Control)Obsolete.  
ShowFocusCues (inherited from Control) 
ShowKeyboardCues (inherited from Control) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ProcessKeyMessage (inherited from Control) 
ProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
RtlTranslateContent (inherited from Control) 
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  

Internal Instance Fields

scrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Internal Instance Properties

Active (inherited from Form) 
ActiveMdiChildInternal (inherited from Form) 
BackColorBrush (inherited from Control) 
BecomingActiveControl (inherited from Control) 
BindingContextInternal (inherited from Control) 
CachedImeMode (inherited from Control) 
CacheTextInternal (inherited from Control) 
CanAccessProperties (inherited from Control) 
CanRaiseEventsInternal (inherited from Component) 
CaptureInternal (inherited from Control) 
CloseReason (inherited from Form) 
CreateThreadId (inherited from Control) 
CurrentImeContextMode (inherited from Control) 
DisabledColor (inherited from Control) 
DisableImeModeChangedCount (inherited from Control) 
FontHandle (inherited from Control) 
HandleInternal (inherited from Control) 
HasMenu (inherited from Form) 
HostedInWin32DialogManager (inherited from Control) 
ImeModeInternal (inherited from Control) 
ImeWmCharsToIgnore (inherited from Control) 
InnerMostActiveContainerControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InnerMostFocusedContainerControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InternalHandle (inherited from Control) 
IsActiveX (inherited from Control) 
IsContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
IsIEParent (inherited from Control) 
IsLayoutSuspended (inherited from Control) 
IsMdiChildFocusable (inherited from Form) 
IsMnemonicsListenerAxSourced (inherited from Control) 
IsWindowObscured (inherited from Control) 
MdiClient (inherited from Form) 
OwnerInternal (inherited from Form) 
ParentContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
ParentFormInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ParentInternal (inherited from Form) 
Properties (inherited from Control) 
RawBackColor (inherited from Control) 
RenderTransparencyWithVisualStyles (inherited from Control) 
RenderTransparent (inherited from Control) 
RequiredScaling (inherited from Control) 
RequiredScalingEnabled (inherited from Control) 
ShouldAutoValidate (inherited from Control) 
ShowParams (inherited from Form) 
SupportsUseCompatibleTextRendering (inherited from Control) 
TopLevelControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
TopMostParent (inherited from Control) 
UseCompatibleTextRenderingInt (inherited from Control) 
ValidationCancelled (inherited from Control) 
WindowStyle (inherited from Control) 
WindowText (inherited from Form) 

Internal Instance Methods

__RaceSetServerIdentity (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
__ResetServerIdentity (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
ActivateControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
AddReflectChild (inherited from Control) 
AfterControlRemoved (inherited from Form) 
ApplyBoundsConstraints (inherited from Form) 
ApplySizeConstraints (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
AssignParent (inherited from Form) 
BeginUpdateInternal (inherited from Control) 
CanCastToXmlType (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
CanProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
CanRecreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
CanSelectCore (inherited from Form) 
CheckCloseDialog (inherited from Form) 
CreateAxContainer (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
CreateGraphicsInternal (inherited from Control) 
DisposeAxControls (inherited from Control) 
EndUpdateInternal (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
FindFormInternal (inherited from Control) 
FocusActiveControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
FocusInternal (inherited from Form) 
GetAnyDisposingInHierarchy (inherited from Control) 
GetChildControlsInTabOrder (inherited from Control) 
GetComIUnknown (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetContainerControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder (inherited from Control) 
GetHRgn (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
GetState (inherited from Control) 
GetVisibleCore (inherited from Control) 
HasFocusableChild (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InitializeDCForWmCtlColor (inherited from Control) 
InvokeMember (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
IsDescendant (inherited from Control) 
IsFontSet (inherited from Control) 
IsInstanceOfType (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
IsUpdating (inherited from Control) 
MenuChanged (inherited from Form) 
NotifyEnter (inherited from Control) 
NotifyLeave (inherited from Control) 
NotifyValidationResult (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoScaleModeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBoundsUpdate (inherited from Control) 
OnChildLayoutResuming (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnFrameWindowActivate (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnImeContextStatusChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInvokedSetScrollPosition (inherited from Control) 
OnLayoutResuming (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnLayoutSuspended (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBecameInvisible (inherited from Control) 
OnParentHandleRecreated (inherited from Control) 
OnParentHandleRecreating (inherited from Control) 
OnTopMostActiveXParentChanged (inherited from Control) 
PaintBackground (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PaintTransparentBackground (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PerformContainerValidation (inherited from Control) 
PerformControlValidation (inherited from Control) 
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PerformOnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
PerformOnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
PointToClientInternal (inherited from Control) 
PrintToMetaFileRecursive (inherited from Control) 
ProcessUICues (inherited from Control) 
RaiseCreateHandleEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseFormClosedOnAppExit (inherited from Form) 
RaiseFormClosingOnAppExit (inherited from Form) 
RecreateHandleCore (inherited from Form) 
RemoveReflectChild (inherited from Control) 
ResetActiveAndFocusedControlsRecursive (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ResumeAllLayout (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Scale (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ScaleChildControls (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScaleDockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
ScaleSize (inherited from Control) 
SelectNextControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
SendMessage (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetAcceptDrops (inherited from Control) 
SetActiveControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
SetDisplayFromScrollProps (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetState (inherited from Control) 
SetState2 (inherited from Control) 
SetTopLevelInternal (inherited from Control) 
ShouldPerformContainerValidation (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeAutoScaleBaseSize (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeAutoValidate (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ShouldSerializeBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeCursor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeFont (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMargin (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializePadding (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeSize (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeText (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeTransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SuspendAllLayout (inherited from ContainerControl) 
UpdateFocusedControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
UpdateFormStyles (inherited from Form) 
UpdateImeContextMode (inherited from Control) 
UpdateMdiWindowListStrip (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStylesCore (inherited from Control) 
ValidateActiveControl (inherited from Control) 
ValidateInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
VerifyImeRestrictedModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
WindowAssignHandle (inherited from Control) 
WindowReleaseHandle (inherited from Control) 
WmContextMenu (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
WmImeSetFocus (inherited from Control) 

Private Instance Constructors

DictIdxRdForm Constructor Prepares the form

Private Instance Fields

m_evcloseEvent for closing the form with Invoke()
m_evprogressinternal_progress() as event
m_indexThe dictionary index read in this form
m_progressThe progress bar for showing the progress
m_progressvalThe progress value to set in the progress bar

Private Instance Properties

indexReturns the index read in this form

Private Instance Methods

InitializeComponentPlaces the controls on the form
internal_closeCloses the form
internal_progressShows progress in the progress bar
onCloseCalled if the form becomes closed
readReads the index contents from the file
stopJoins the index reading thread

See Also

DictIdxRdForm Class | dict Namespace | DictIndex | DictImport.saveIdx