Serial port and GPS

BndBmpForm Fields

The fields of the BndBmpForm class are listed below. For a complete list of BndBmpForm class members, see the BndBmpForm Members topic.

Private Static (Shared) Fields

SBSTARTWhere do the scroll bar start, from left upper
SBTHICKScroll bar thickness
THICKSTARTShifted start of the scroll bar

Internal Instance Fields

scrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Private Instance Fields

m_bmpThe bitmap to presently show.
m_boundsBounds of the picture in m_bmp
m_brushBrush for drawing various tuff
m_hsbHorizontal scroll bar
m_mapsThe maps collection
m_pointThe point within the bounds to show
m_vsbVertical scroll bar
m_zoomCurrent zoom factor
m_zsbZoom scrollbar

See Also

BndBmpForm Class | serial Namespace | Maps | MapPoint | Utils.coord2dec()