Serial port and GPS

Map Constructor (String)

Initializes the map from the given string

[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Sub New( _
   ByVal str As String _
public Map(
   string str


the init string


The input string is assumed to consist of 5 fields separated by whitespaces, commas or semicolons. The 1. field is the left of the bound, East or West. The 2. field is the top of the bound, North or South. The 3. field is the right of the bound, East or West. The 4. field is the bottom of the bound, North or South. The 5. field is the name of the bitmap file. The coordinate strings must be valid according to Utils.coord2dec(). The bitmap file name may be either relative or absolute. Relative file names are searched in the directory of the exe file, see also property bmpfile. The bitmap file doesn't need to exist during the creation of the object, though the property bitmap will return null until the file is not present. Any bitmap file format recognized by System.Drawing.Bitmap is allowed.


Exception Type Condition
ArgumentException for invalid init strings

See Also

Map Class | serial Namespace | Map Constructor Overload List