Serial port and GPS

SerialCpy Members

SerialCpy overview

Public Instance Constructors

SerialCpy Constructor Creates instances of two serial ports

Public Instance Properties

BaudRate1Baudrate of the 1st port
BaudRate2Baudrate of the 2nd port
DataBits1Databits of the 1st port
DataBits2Databits of the 2nd port
IsOpenChecks if both ports are opened
Parity1Parity of the 1st port
Parity2Parity of the 2nd port
PortName1Name of the 1st port
PortName2Name of the 2nd port
StopBits1Stop bits of the 1st port
StopBits2Stop bits of the 2nd port
Timeout1Timeout of the 1st port
Timeout2Timeout of the 2nd port

Public Instance Methods

CloseCloses serial ports, if opened
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
OpenOpens both ports and starts copying streams
ToStringReturns the string representation of the objects

Protected Instance Methods

FinalizeCloses the serial ports if needed
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

Private Instance Fields

m_serial2 serial ports

Private Instance Methods

commonReadHandling of byte read from serial port int1
read1Read callback for port 1
read2Read callback for port 2

See Also

SerialCpy Class | serial Namespace