Serial port and GPS

SerialForm Members

SerialForm overview

Private Static Constructor

SerialForm Constructor Initializes the static fields of the SerialForm class.

Private Static (Shared) Fields

FILTERFilter string
MAXHISTORYMaximal number of inputs kept in the history

Private Static (Shared) Properties

CONFIGFILEName of the config file
LOGFILEName of the log file

Public Instance Constructors

SerialForm Constructor Creates the form

Public Instance Properties

AcceptButton (inherited from Form) 
AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleName (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleRole (inherited from Control) 
ActiveControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ActiveMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AllowDrop (inherited from Control) 
AllowTransparency (inherited from Form) 
Anchor (inherited from Control) 
AutoScale (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
AutoScaleBaseSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScaleMode (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScroll (inherited from Form) 
AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollOffset (inherited from Control) 
AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeMode (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidate (inherited from Form) 
BackColor (inherited from Form) 
BackgroundImage (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayout (inherited from Control) 
BindingContext (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Bottom (inherited from Control) 
Bounds (inherited from Control) 
CancelButton (inherited from Form) 
CanFocus (inherited from Control) 
CanSelect (inherited from Control) 
Capture (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidation (inherited from Control) 
ClientRectangle (inherited from Control) 
ClientSize (inherited from Form) 
CompanyName (inherited from Control) 
Container (inherited from Component) 
ContainsFocus (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenu (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStrip (inherited from Control) 
ControlBox (inherited from Form) 
Controls (inherited from Control) 
Created (inherited from Control) 
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Cursor (inherited from Control) 
DataBindings (inherited from Control) 
DesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
DesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
DialogResult (inherited from Form) 
DisplayRectangle (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Disposing (inherited from Control) 
Dock (inherited from Control) 
DockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Enabled (inherited from Control) 
Focused (inherited from Control) 
Font (inherited from Control) 
ForeColor (inherited from Control) 
FormBorderStyle (inherited from Form) 
Handle (inherited from Control) 
HasChildren (inherited from Control) 
Height (inherited from Control) 
HelpButton (inherited from Form) 
HorizontalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Icon (inherited from Form) 
ImeMode (inherited from Control) 
InvokeRequired (inherited from Control) 
IsAccessible (inherited from Control) 
IsDisposed (inherited from Control) 
IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
IsMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
IsMdiContainer (inherited from Form) 
IsMirrored (inherited from Control) 
IsRestrictedWindow (inherited from Form) 
KeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
LayoutEngine (inherited from Control) 
Left (inherited from Control) 
Location (inherited from Form) 
MainMenuStrip (inherited from Form) 
Margin (inherited from Form) 
MaximizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSize (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildren (inherited from Form) 
MdiParent (inherited from Form) 
Menu (inherited from Form) 
MergedMenu (inherited from Form) 
MinimizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSize (inherited from Form) 
Modal (inherited from Form) 
Name (inherited from Control) 
Opacity (inherited from Form) 
OwnedForms (inherited from Form) 
Owner (inherited from Form) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from Control) 
ParentForm (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
ProductName (inherited from Control) 
ProductVersion (inherited from Control) 
RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control) 
Region (inherited from Control) 
RestoreBounds (inherited from Form) 
Right (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayout (inherited from Form) 
ShowIcon (inherited from Form) 
ShowInTaskbar (inherited from Form) 
Site (inherited from Control) 
Size (inherited from Form) 
SizeGripStyle (inherited from Form) 
StartPosition (inherited from Form) 
TabIndex (inherited from Form) 
TabStop (inherited from Form) 
Tag (inherited from Control) 
Text (inherited from Form) 
Top (inherited from Control) 
TopLevel (inherited from Form) 
TopLevelControl (inherited from Control) 
TopMost (inherited from Form) 
TransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
UseWaitCursor (inherited from Control) 
VerticalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Visible (inherited from Control) 
Width (inherited from Control) 
WindowState (inherited from Form) 
WindowTarget (inherited from Control) 

Public Instance Methods

Activate (inherited from Form) 
AddOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
BeginInvoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
BringToFront (inherited from Control) 
Close (inherited from Form) 
Contains (inherited from Control) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
CreateGraphics (inherited from Control) 
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Dispose (inherited from Component)Overloaded.  
DoDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DrawToBitmap (inherited from Control) 
EndInvoke (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindForm (inherited from Control) 
Focus (inherited from Control) 
GetChildAtPoint (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetNextControl (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Hide (inherited from Control) 
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Invalidate (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Invoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
LayoutMdi (inherited from Form) 
PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToClient (inherited from Control) 
PointToScreen (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToClient (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control) 
Refresh (inherited from Control) 
RemoveOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
ResetBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetBindings (inherited from Control) 
ResetCursor (inherited from Control) 
ResetFont (inherited from Control) 
ResetForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ResetText (inherited from Control) 
ResumeLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Scale (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScrollControlIntoView (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SelectNextControl (inherited from Control) 
SendToBack (inherited from Control) 
SetAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetDesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
SetDesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
Show (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Show (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ShowDialog (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SuspendLayout (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Form) 
Update (inherited from Control) 
Validate (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ValidateChildren (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  

Public Instance Events

Activated (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidateChanged (inherited from Form) 
BackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Control) 
BindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
ChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
Click (inherited from Control) 
ClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
Closed (inherited from Form) 
Closing (inherited from Form) 
ContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
ControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
ControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
CursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
Deactivate (inherited from Form) 
Disposed (inherited from Component) 
DockChanged (inherited from Control) 
DoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
DragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DragEnter (inherited from Control) 
DragLeave (inherited from Control) 
DragOver (inherited from Control) 
EnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
Enter (inherited from Control) 
FontChanged (inherited from Control) 
ForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
FormClosed (inherited from Form) 
FormClosing (inherited from Form) 
GiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
GotFocus (inherited from Control) 
HandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
HandleDestroyed (inherited from Control) 
HelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
HelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
ImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
InputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
InputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
Invalidated (inherited from Control) 
KeyDown (inherited from Control) 
KeyPress (inherited from Control) 
KeyUp (inherited from Control) 
Layout (inherited from Control) 
Leave (inherited from Control) 
Load (inherited from Form) 
LocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
LostFocus (inherited from Control) 
MarginChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
MenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
MenuStart (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
MouseClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDown (inherited from Control) 
MouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
MouseHover (inherited from Control) 
MouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
MouseMove (inherited from Control) 
MouseUp (inherited from Control) 
MouseWheel (inherited from Control) 
Move (inherited from Control) 
PaddingChanged (inherited from Control) 
Paint (inherited from Control) 
ParentChanged (inherited from Control) 
PreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
QueryAccessibilityHelp (inherited from Control) 
QueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
RegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
Resize (inherited from Control) 
ResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
ResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
RightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
Scroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Shown (inherited from Form) 
SizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
StyleChanged (inherited from Control) 
SystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
TabIndexChanged (inherited from Form) 
TabStopChanged (inherited from Form) 
TextChanged (inherited from Control) 
Validated (inherited from Control) 
Validating (inherited from Control) 
VisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 

Protected Instance Properties

AutoScaleFactor (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanEnableIme (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanRaiseEvents (inherited from Control) 
CreateParams (inherited from Form) 
DefaultCursor (inherited from Control) 
DefaultImeMode (inherited from Form) 
DefaultMargin (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultPadding (inherited from Control) 
DefaultSize (inherited from Form) 
DesignMode (inherited from Component) 
DoubleBuffered (inherited from Control) 
Events (inherited from Component) 
FontHeight (inherited from Control) 
HScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
MaximizedBounds (inherited from Form) 
ResizeRedraw (inherited from Control) 
ScaleChildren (inherited from Control) 
ShowWithoutActivation (inherited from Form) 
VScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Protected Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ActivateMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AdjustFormScrollbars (inherited from Form) 
ApplyAutoScaling (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
CenterToParent (inherited from Form) 
CenterToScreen (inherited from Form) 
CreateAccessibilityInstance (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlsInstance (inherited from Form) 
CreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
DefWndProc (inherited from Form) 
DestroyHandle (inherited from Control) 
Dispose (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Finalize (inherited from Component) 
GetAccessibilityObjectById (inherited from Control) 
GetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
GetScaledBounds (inherited from Form) 
GetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
GetService (inherited from Component) 
GetStyle (inherited from Control) 
GetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
InitLayout (inherited from Control) 
InvokeGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeOnClick (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaint (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaintBackground (inherited from Control) 
IsInputChar (inherited from Control) 
IsInputKey (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Overloaded.  
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Overloaded.  
NotifyInvalidate (inherited from Control) 
OnActivated (inherited from Form) 
OnAutoSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoValidateChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnCausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
OnClick (inherited from Control) 
OnClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
OnControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
OnCreateControl (inherited from Form) 
OnCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDeactivate (inherited from Form) 
OnDockChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
OnDragEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnDragLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnDragOver (inherited from Control) 
OnEnabledChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnEnter (inherited from Form) 
OnFontChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnFormClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnFormClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnGiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
OnGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnHandleCreated (inherited from Form) 
OnHandleDestroyed (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
OnImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
OnInvalidated (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyPress (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyUp (inherited from Control) 
OnLayout (inherited from Form) 
OnLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnLoad (inherited from Form) 
OnLocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnMarginChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuStart (inherited from Form) 
OnMinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDown (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseHover (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseMove (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseUp (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseWheel (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnMove (inherited from Control) 
OnNotifyMessage (inherited from Control) 
OnPaddingChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnPaint (inherited from Form) 
OnPaintBackground (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnParentBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnParentCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentEnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentFontChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentVisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnPreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnPrint (inherited from Control) 
OnQueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
OnRegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnResize (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
OnRightToLeftChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnShown (inherited from Form) 
OnSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnStyleChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnSystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabIndexChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabStopChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTextChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnValidated (inherited from Control) 
OnValidating (inherited from Control) 
OnVisibleChanged (inherited from Form) 
ProcessCmdKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogChar (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessKeyEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
ProcessKeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
ProcessTabKey (inherited from Form) 
RaiseDragEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseKeyEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseMouseEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePaintEvent (inherited from Control) 
RecreateHandle (inherited from Control) 
ResetMouseEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateAlignment (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
RtlTranslateHorizontal (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateLeftRight (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
ScaleCore (inherited from Form) 
ScrollToControl (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
SetBoundsCore (inherited from Form) 
SetClientSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
SetDisplayRectLocation (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetStyle (inherited from Control) 
SetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
SetVisibleCore (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateDefaultButton (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStyles (inherited from Control) 
UpdateZOrder (inherited from Control) 
WndProc (inherited from Form) 

Protected Internal Instance Properties

RenderRightToLeft (inherited from Control)Obsolete.  
ShowFocusCues (inherited from Control) 
ShowKeyboardCues (inherited from Control) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ProcessKeyMessage (inherited from Control) 
ProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
RtlTranslateContent (inherited from Control) 
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  

Internal Instance Fields

scrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Internal Instance Properties

Active (inherited from Form) 
ActiveMdiChildInternal (inherited from Form) 
BackColorBrush (inherited from Control) 
BecomingActiveControl (inherited from Control) 
BindingContextInternal (inherited from Control) 
CachedImeMode (inherited from Control) 
CacheTextInternal (inherited from Control) 
CanAccessProperties (inherited from Control) 
CanRaiseEventsInternal (inherited from Component) 
CaptureInternal (inherited from Control) 
CloseReason (inherited from Form) 
CreateThreadId (inherited from Control) 
CurrentImeContextMode (inherited from Control) 
DisabledColor (inherited from Control) 
DisableImeModeChangedCount (inherited from Control) 
FontHandle (inherited from Control) 
HandleInternal (inherited from Control) 
HasMenu (inherited from Form) 
HostedInWin32DialogManager (inherited from Control) 
ImeModeInternal (inherited from Control) 
ImeWmCharsToIgnore (inherited from Control) 
InnerMostActiveContainerControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InnerMostFocusedContainerControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InternalHandle (inherited from Control) 
IsActiveX (inherited from Control) 
IsContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
IsIEParent (inherited from Control) 
IsLayoutSuspended (inherited from Control) 
IsMdiChildFocusable (inherited from Form) 
IsMnemonicsListenerAxSourced (inherited from Control) 
IsWindowObscured (inherited from Control) 
MdiClient (inherited from Form) 
OwnerInternal (inherited from Form) 
ParentContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
ParentFormInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ParentInternal (inherited from Form) 
Properties (inherited from Control) 
RawBackColor (inherited from Control) 
RenderTransparencyWithVisualStyles (inherited from Control) 
RenderTransparent (inherited from Control) 
RequiredScaling (inherited from Control) 
RequiredScalingEnabled (inherited from Control) 
ShouldAutoValidate (inherited from Control) 
ShowParams (inherited from Form) 
SupportsUseCompatibleTextRendering (inherited from Control) 
TopLevelControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
TopMostParent (inherited from Control) 
UseCompatibleTextRenderingInt (inherited from Control) 
ValidationCancelled (inherited from Control) 
WindowStyle (inherited from Control) 
WindowText (inherited from Form) 

Internal Instance Methods

__RaceSetServerIdentity (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
__ResetServerIdentity (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
ActivateControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
AddReflectChild (inherited from Control) 
AfterControlRemoved (inherited from Form) 
ApplyBoundsConstraints (inherited from Form) 
ApplySizeConstraints (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
AssignParent (inherited from Form) 
BeginUpdateInternal (inherited from Control) 
CanCastToXmlType (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
CanProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
CanRecreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
CanSelectCore (inherited from Form) 
CheckCloseDialog (inherited from Form) 
CreateAxContainer (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
CreateGraphicsInternal (inherited from Control) 
DisposeAxControls (inherited from Control) 
EndUpdateInternal (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
FindFormInternal (inherited from Control) 
FocusActiveControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
FocusInternal (inherited from Form) 
GetAnyDisposingInHierarchy (inherited from Control) 
GetChildControlsInTabOrder (inherited from Control) 
GetComIUnknown (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetContainerControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder (inherited from Control) 
GetHRgn (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
GetState (inherited from Control) 
GetVisibleCore (inherited from Control) 
HasFocusableChild (inherited from ContainerControl) 
InitializeDCForWmCtlColor (inherited from Control) 
InvokeMember (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
IsDescendant (inherited from Control) 
IsFontSet (inherited from Control) 
IsInstanceOfType (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
IsUpdating (inherited from Control) 
MenuChanged (inherited from Form) 
NotifyEnter (inherited from Control) 
NotifyLeave (inherited from Control) 
NotifyValidationResult (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoScaleModeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBoundsUpdate (inherited from Control) 
OnChildLayoutResuming (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnFrameWindowActivate (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnImeContextStatusChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInvokedSetScrollPosition (inherited from Control) 
OnLayoutResuming (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnLayoutSuspended (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBecameInvisible (inherited from Control) 
OnParentHandleRecreated (inherited from Control) 
OnParentHandleRecreating (inherited from Control) 
OnTopMostActiveXParentChanged (inherited from Control) 
PaintBackground (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PaintTransparentBackground (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PerformContainerValidation (inherited from Control) 
PerformControlValidation (inherited from Control) 
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PerformOnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
PerformOnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
PointToClientInternal (inherited from Control) 
PrintToMetaFileRecursive (inherited from Control) 
ProcessUICues (inherited from Control) 
RaiseCreateHandleEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseFormClosedOnAppExit (inherited from Form) 
RaiseFormClosingOnAppExit (inherited from Form) 
RecreateHandleCore (inherited from Form) 
RemoveReflectChild (inherited from Control) 
ResetActiveAndFocusedControlsRecursive (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ResumeAllLayout (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Scale (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ScaleChildControls (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScaleDockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
ScaleSize (inherited from Control) 
SelectNextControlInternal (inherited from Control) 
SendMessage (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetAcceptDrops (inherited from Control) 
SetActiveControlInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
SetDisplayFromScrollProps (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetState (inherited from Control) 
SetState2 (inherited from Control) 
SetTopLevelInternal (inherited from Control) 
ShouldPerformContainerValidation (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeAutoScaleBaseSize (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeAutoValidate (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ShouldSerializeBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeCursor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeFont (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMargin (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializePadding (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeSize (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeText (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeTransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SuspendAllLayout (inherited from ContainerControl) 
UpdateFocusedControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
UpdateFormStyles (inherited from Form) 
UpdateImeContextMode (inherited from Control) 
UpdateMdiWindowListStrip (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStylesCore (inherited from Control) 
ValidateActiveControl (inherited from Control) 
ValidateInternal (inherited from ContainerControl) 
VerifyImeRestrictedModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
WindowAssignHandle (inherited from Control) 
WindowReleaseHandle (inherited from Control) 
WmContextMenu (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
WmImeSetFocus (inherited from Control) 

Private Instance Fields

m_answer Control for the answer string retrieved from the serial port.
m_answercbDelegate for showing serial port answers
m_answerstr The answer string processed in the delegate method showAnswer().
m_baud Control for the baud rate of the port.
m_databits Control for the number of data bits.
m_initofddirThe initial OpenFileDialog directory
m_input Control for the input string sent to the serial port
m_ipclientIP client used for IP communication
m_ipportTCP or UDP port
m_logstrStream used for logging
m_menufilterMenu item port/filter
m_menulogMenu item config/log
m_menuopenMenu item port/open
m_menurdportMenu item port/read
m_menusendMenu item port/send
m_parities Available COM port parities
m_ports Names of COM ports available in the system.
m_serialSerial port
m_serverName or IP of the server, if IP used
m_status Info about the current status of the connection
m_stopbits Available COM port parities
m_typeType of the input signal

Private Instance Properties

LogSwitches logging on or off

Private Instance Methods

deactivateControlsActivates or deactivates controls depending on type
dologLog method
InitializeComponentLayout of the form
menuClose_Click Event handler for the menu item close.
menuExit_Click Event handler for the menu item exit.
menuFilter_ClickSwitch filter on or off
menuLog_ClickSwitches logging on or off
menuOpen_Click Event handler for the menu item open
menuRdPort_ClickStarts or stops reading from serial port
menuRead_Click Reads a string from a file and puts it into the input combo.
menuSend_Click Event handler for the menu item send
onCloseEvent method called if the form is closed
printExcp Common method for showing exception errors occured in this form.
readCfgReads configuration into combos
serialPortCbCallbck for strings read from the serial port
showAnswerWrites string encapsulated into m_answer
typeChangedCalled if the type in m_type changes
writeCfgWrites setting to the configuration file

See Also

SerialForm Class | serial Namespace | IPClient | Serial | SerialGUI