Serial port and GPS

SerialGPS Properties

The properties of the SerialGPS class are listed below. For a complete list of SerialGPS class members, see the SerialGPS Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

BaudRate (inherited from Serial)Baud rate
CoordCbSets callback method for coordinates from GPS
DataBits (inherited from Serial)Baud rate
Filter (inherited from Serial)For filtering lines coming from the serial port
IsOpen (inherited from Serial)Tells if the serial port is opened
Parity (inherited from Serial)Parity
PortName (inherited from Serial)Serial port name
RdByteCb (inherited from Serial) Calback function for handling bytes read from the serial port.
RdLineCb (inherited from Serial) Calback function for handling strings read from the serial port.
Read (inherited from Serial)If the reading thread have to be/is started
StopBits (inherited from Serial)Number of stop bits
SystemSystem to use for recomputing into UTM
Timeout (inherited from Serial)Timeout in milliseconds for both read and write

See Also

SerialGPS Class | serial Namespace | Utils.fromGGA() | Utils.toUTM()