Serial port and GPS

SerialGPS.parseNMEA Method 

Callback method for handling incoming NMEA strings

[Visual Basic]
Private Sub parseNMEA( _
   ByVal arr As ArrayList _
private void parseNMEA(
   ArrayList arr


Array of NMEA line strings


If the coordinate callback CoordCb has not been set, then the method does absolutely nothing. Also it does nothing if the incoming gps string is not a valid NMEA GGA string according to Utils.fromGGA(). Else it parses the string using Utils.fromGGA() and calls the callback method set in CoordCb, if the coordinates (but not the UTC time) changed since last call (m_lastcoord). The method calls Utils.dontSuspend() in order to prevent suspending windows ce/mobile based device as long as valid data arrives.

See Also

SerialGPS Class | serial Namespace