Serial port and GPS

Serial Members

Serial overview

Public Static (Shared) Fields

BAUDRATESBaudrates supported by the module
COMPORTSAll available serial port names
DATABITSNumber of databits supported
DEFAULT_BAUDRATEDefault baudrate
DEFAULT_COMPORTDefault serial port name
DEFAULT_DATABITSDefault number of databits
DEFAULT_PARITYDefault parity
DEFAULT_STOPBITSDefault number of stop bits
DEFAULT_TIMEOUTDefault timeout for read and write operations

Private Static Constructor

Serial Constructor Sets default values

Private Static (Shared) Fields

BUFLENBuffer len for receving bytes from the serial port

Public Instance Constructors

Serial Constructor Initializes the serial port with default values

Public Instance Properties

BaudRateBaud rate
DataBitsBaud rate
FilterFor filtering lines coming from the serial port
IsOpenTells if the serial port is opened
PortNameSerial port name
RdByteCb Calback function for handling bytes read from the serial port.
RdLineCb Calback function for handling strings read from the serial port.
ReadIf the reading thread have to be/is started
StopBitsNumber of stop bits
TimeoutTimeout in milliseconds for both read and write

Public Instance Methods

CloseCloses serial port
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
OpenOpen serial port
ToStringReturns the string representation of the object
WriteWrites the given string to the serial port
WriteBytesWrites number of bytes from the byte array

Protected Instance Methods

FinalizeCloses serial port
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

Private Instance Fields

m_bufThe buffer to use for reading from the serial port
m_doreadFlag for continuing reading thread
m_filterFor filtering lines from serial port.
m_rdbytecbCallback handling single bytes read from port
m_rdlinecbCallback handling strings read from port
m_sblineParsed line strings from the buffer
m_serialThe serial port
m_thrSerial port reading thread

Private Instance Methods

readFktReading thread routine

See Also

Serial Class | serial Namespace