Serial port and GPS

Serial Fields

The fields of the Serial class are listed below. For a complete list of Serial class members, see the Serial Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Fields

BAUDRATESBaudrates supported by the module
COMPORTSAll available serial port names
DATABITSNumber of databits supported
DEFAULT_BAUDRATEDefault baudrate
DEFAULT_COMPORTDefault serial port name
DEFAULT_DATABITSDefault number of databits
DEFAULT_PARITYDefault parity
DEFAULT_STOPBITSDefault number of stop bits
DEFAULT_TIMEOUTDefault timeout for read and write operations

Private Static (Shared) Fields

BUFLENBuffer len for receving bytes from the serial port

Private Instance Fields

m_bufThe buffer to use for reading from the serial port
m_doreadFlag for continuing reading thread
m_filterFor filtering lines from serial port.
m_rdbytecbCallback handling single bytes read from port
m_rdlinecbCallback handling strings read from port
m_sblineParsed line strings from the buffer
m_serialThe serial port
m_thrSerial port reading thread

See Also

Serial Class | serial Namespace